Here is part 2 of Carissa Reid's guest post. Find Part 1 here.
Row-Counting by the Numbers: The Tools (Part 2)
By Carissa Reid
The only issues I’ve encountered with this technique is being diligent with my check-marks. I find that marking every time I finish a row isn’t efficient, as I forget to do so in my excitement to move on to the next row. Instead, I mark each number after completing the series of repeats. It’s a natural place to pause, since I am moving back up the pattern to begin the next set of repeats. I check off each number for the rows I’ve completed before continuing. If I cannot finish the series of repeats, I mark the row I do complete before setting the project aside. If I am forced to stop in the middle of a row, I circle that number, so I know where to pick up again.
When I do use sticky notes, I am always mindful to write the name of the pattern and the page number on the sticky note, just in case it falls off the page. It hasn’t happened yet, but I could see it happening the first time I forget to note what pattern the note is for.
This technique has served me well over the years and saved me much frustration. I’d be curious to learn how others mark their row repeats when following patterns, but in the meantime, I’ll be marking up my margins with a little pencil as I crochet.
Carissa Reid is an author, crocheter, proofreader, and co-founder of Ficstitches Yarns Crochet Kit Clubs along with Laurinda. Information about her books can be found at
Hi Carissa, I use this method as well, but instead of writing in the margins, I photocopy the pattern on my printer, and then I can scribble away to my hearts content without worrying about marking the book. Daisy