Monday, October 17, 2016

Tutorial: Starting a Mobius Twist - LH

Any long looped cowl may be called an "Infinity Cowl" these days. But a true infinity cowl is one with a "Mobius Twist" where each round forms a figure eight or infinity symbol, creating a twist in the loop as you work. Learn how expanding each round from the center out will affect your stitch pattern and how to adjust your stitches to look their best on both sides of the work whether working into a chain or foundation single crochets.
Tutorial (Left-Handed):

1. Chain indicated number of stitches. Lay flat so the front of all stitches are facing up without any twists.

2. Rotate end of chain one half turn so back bump is facing you to create a half twist on one end

3. Insert hook into top loop of back side of each chain.
4. Join with slip stitch of first chain to form ring with one twist.

5. Work in top loop of each chain once around.

6. To complete Round 1, continue working once more around in unused loops of beginning chain, inserting hook in same hole as first time around but from the other side of the stitch.

7. Each completed round forms a figure 8 or "infinity" symbol. Finish round by joining in first stitch and turning, or work in continuous rounds, depending on the pattern.

Note: When working continuous rounds with a mobius loop, the top half will be all the right sides of the stitches while the bottom half is all wrong sides of the rounds. This looks better with some stitch patterns than others.
COWLtober Week 2: Twist & Spin Cowl
in Spincycle Knit Fast Die Young

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