I came across
Beneath The Rowan Tree’s posts about making a
Fairy Garden last night, and was inspired to make my own with Griffin. So we spent the afternoon arranging, planting, collecting, and decorating to create our very own mini world for the fairies to play in.
Our Garden is not nearly as well planned out as BTRT’s, I just used what I had on hand. As it is late summer, it may not thrive for long. But since we planted it in 2 parts, a chair planter (from
Paws & Claws thrift store) and a large white pot (free from my father-in-law), we can move them under more cover when needed. Currently, our Fairy Garden resides in the shade of the large lilac tree in our front yard where Griffin can easily play with it.

Each of the plants we used was a gift, mostly ones I have kept on my kitchen window for the past couple of years, which my husband recently decided needed to be moved outside. Our plants came from my in-laws after Rowan died, my
MOMS Club Secret Sister a couple years ago, a friend of Griffin’s when she moved away, my Dad for Mother’s Day, and a miniature daylily from my sister's baby shower. Griffin also recently won a couple of plants at a
Master Gardener’s dinner.

While I planted the plants, Griffin went around the garden finding other decorations he thought “The Fairies will like.” He found 2 shiny stepping stones (ideal for standing on while he plays), all sorts of flower and butterfly plant stakes, and a rusty lantern "for the fairies to hang out in". We used an old pail for the pond and river rocks left from our
Father’s Day craft to make paths through the gardens. The fairies “sleep” in the larger painted birdhouse I picked up for $5 at a recent garage sale.

On our second trip to the nearby forest to
collect moss to cover the dirt between our plants, a neighbor gave Griffin a few tiny pots to add to our garden. Some are too small to actually plant anything in, so we left them for the fairies by the small birdhouse Griffin painted awhile back. He decided this must be their “greenhouse”. Every half hour after we came inside, he went back out to check if the fairies had come to our garden and planted anything in their tiny pots. Must find some tiny plastic plants to surprise him one of these mornings. His dad explained to him that it may take awhile for word to get around to the fairies, like the bird food they have been putting out so now all the birds come here looking for food. Next we will have to try
fairy windchimes and
I love the fairy garden! It is amazing and Griffin was so excited to show it off.