Friday, November 16, 2012

My Little "Master Crafter"

The other day my 7 year old son described himself as:
"1/2 Monkey, 1/2 Wild Boy, and 1/2 Craft Master!"
He has really come into his confidence as an artist this year. He has always enjoyed crafting, but tended to prefer to be given instructions to create something specific. I could only come up with so many new projects, so over the past few years I made regular trips to craft stores to restock on prefab kits just to keep him busy.

This summer I noticed he was not going through various craft kits at the break neck speed he had in the past. When he did want to craft he tended to pull things out of the recycling bin, and go through rolls and rolls of tape. In one week alone he designed and created all of these amazing "constructions".

Here he is demonstrating the various features of his latest creations, including a rope for repelling... 
I was really impressed by the thoughtfulness of cutting out little suction shoes for walking up the steep ramp of this raised house, and an escape tube to slide out...
After a few weeks of playing with them, we took photos and several videos to remember his ideas, before returning all of the cardboard to the recycling bin! I wonder what my "Craft Master" will come up with next!

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